Our Purpose
Wildfires are complex and multifaceted.
Our Vision
For the people and places of Hawaiʻi and the Pacific to be wildfire-ready and wildfire-resilient.
Our Mission
To serve as a hub of wildfire prevention, mitigation, and planning activities in the Hawaiʻi-Pacific region through proactive, collaborative, and forward-thinking projects.

How we focus our time & effort:
HWMO works collaboratively with residents and workers in fire-prone areas to reduce wildfires and enhance protection measures.
Our projects aim to decrease the frequency of wildfires and mitigate their impact on both built and natural environments, focusing exclusively on wildfire projects, and partnering with firefighters, natural resource managers, and community groups.
Social media platforms are used to provide information about wildfire prevention, preparedness, incidents, trends, research findings, events, opportunities
Printed informational resources on a variety of wildfire-related topics
Youth coloring and activity books focused on wildfire awareness and prevention
Attendance at events across Hawaiʻi to share information with the public
Attendance at national and international meetings and conferences to represent Hawaiʻi and the US-Affiliated Pacific
HWMO develops its work plan in consultation with partners across Hawaiʻi, including emergency responders, natural resource managers, and community members.
This ensures that our efforts align with the specific needs and priorities of those dealing with wildfires on the ground.
HWMO serves as a central point of contact within Hawaiʻi for wildfire-related issues.
We also facilitate communication and collaboration between Hawaiʻi and mainland and international wildfire-related entities and programs.
Our Approach
HWMO directly serves the priorities of our partners with next-level, collaborative, proactive projects designed to reduce immediate wildfire hazards and to continuously build the knowledge and capacity to more broadly and effectively address the region’s wildfire needs.
HWMO brings together established and new partners with a vested interest in wildfire outcomes to co-identify the next-level priorities for wildfire prevention, safety, suppression, and recovery.
We intentionally create opportunities and gatherings where those whose work, homes, and landscapes are impacted by wildfire state their concerns and priorities, and generate project input provided by our partners directly determines the HWMO work plans from year to year.
On behalf of our partners, and with the expertise provided by HWMO Technical Advisors, HWMO leads and/or participates in projects that address current and next-level wildfire priorities.
Projects and programs are co-designed and frequently carried out to achieve multiple goals for multiple parties at once. HWMO often serves as the point of contact among many cooperators and leads post-project reflection and next-step planning among all.
Through its collaborative design and partner-building approach, HWMO continuously builds community while building capacity to address the Hawaiʻi-Pacific Region’s increasing wildfire challenges.
Pursuing a combination of improved knowledge of Hawaiʻi’s wildfire issues, an increased understanding of strategies and solutions, and more residents, professionals, businesses, and lawmakers involved. HWMO has for almost 2 decades been building Hawaiʻi’s capacity to address its wildfire situation. HWMO’s projects and programs strategically build on one another to take Hawaiʻi to the next level over and over again.
Our Values
High-integrity practices and processes
Responsive to the wildfire-related needs of the region and our partners
Respectful, considerate, and helpful
Diverse partners
Providing connections, serving as a hub
Healthy, supportive workplace