Take Action
Donating to HWMO aids our ability to assist communities, natural resource managers, and many others to become safer through our risk reduction programs. We are funded by grants and donations. We are not a government agency but rather we carry out the work typically implemented by government agencies but we do not have any permanent consistent funding from any governmental source.
Thank you for your contribution to this important work that only HWMO offers within the state of Hawaiʻi. Your charitable donation to our 501(c)(3) nonprofit will receive a donation receipt.
Work With Us
If you share our vision for the people and places of Hawaii and the Pacific to be wildfire-ready and wildfire-resilient, consider working with us.
Whether you want to join us full-time or just volunteer your time, you will join a passionate and enthusiastic team and receive the deep satisfaction of knowing you’re making a difference.
Currently, our gift store with HWMO apparel is low. Please visit us at another time to place an order!
Contact us
The HWMO office is located in Waimea on the Big Island. Please note that our office is open only by appointment as all staff work remotely.
To schedule an appointment, please email us at admin@hawaiiwildfire.org. Voicemail messages left at our office line (808)885-0900 will also be directed to this email address.
Thank you for your understanding.
Firewise Program
The Firewise USA® program helps communities adapt to living with wildfire and encourages neighbors to work together and take action now to prevent losses.
Will you join us in becoming the next Firewise Community?
Home Assessments
A wildfire home assessment is a review of the vulnerability of your house and landscape to wildfire & ember-ignition. They are done by trained community members and will take 30-60 minutes to complete.