Home Assessments
What is a wildfire home assessment?
A home assessment is a review of the vulnerability of one's house and landscape to wildfire and ember-ignition.
HWMO will use this information to determine what incentive programs might be developed to help homeowners complete more of these ignition-resisting improvements in the future.
Free Wildfire Home Risk Assessments
Now Available to Communities with Trained Volunteers
The Wildfire Home Risk Assessor Program is part of a Community Wildfire Ambassador program that is operated by Hawaiʻi Wildfire Management Organization to build the capacity of community members to evaluate the wildfire risk of individual homes and properties within their communities.
Volunteer home assessors may be available to perform free home assessments for homeowners living in their communities. They will also serve as wildfire information ambassadors to their friends and neighbors, and (if applicable) to their community’s Firewise committee.
Please visit our Firewise Program page for a list of Firewise® communities in Hawaiʻi.
Home assessments are FREE (until grant funds are exhausted) to Hawaiʻi homeowners living in an area where a trained home assessor is available.
Home assessments are only offered to homeowners for single-standing residential homes or duplexes in areas with an available home assessor.
Locations where a home assessor may be available include:
Hawaiʻi Island - Waikōloa Village, Puʻukapu Pastoral, Kohala Ranch, Kona Paradise, Wai'ula'ula at Mauna Kea Resort, Ali’i Dr (Kailua-Kona), Keauhou (Volcano Golf Course)
Maui - Launiupoko, Kahikinui
Molokaʻi - Paniolo Hale
For all other inquiries for apartments, condos, resorts, businesses, larger buildings, or anything similar please contact admin@hawaiiwildfire.org.
Home assessors are local community members. All home assessors have completed training and Hawaiʻi criminal checks.
If you're interested in being trained to become a Wildfire Home Assessor, please add your information to our waitlist (click here).
This program is available when funding is available. Currently, this program is made possible by various grants, including those from the US Forest Service, DLNR Department of Land & Natural Resources, and the Office of Councilmember Cindy Evans.
In accordance with federal law and the U.S. Department of Agriculture policy, these organizations are prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age or disability. To file a complaint of discrimination, write USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, Room 326-W, Whitten Building, 1400 Independence Avenue SW, Washington, DC 20250-9410 or call toll free voice (866) 632-9992, TDD (800) 877-8339, or voice relay (866) 377-8642. USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer.

How can I make an appointment for my free home assessment?
If you need assistance with your online form, please email (admin@hawaiiwildfire.org) or call or visit the HWMO office; they will be happy to assist in completing your application.
Please Note: Due to the high demand for these assessments, it may take several weeks before a volunteer can get back to you to schedule your assessment. Thank you for your patience.
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